The retina comprises a thin layer of nerves that lines at the back of the eye on the inside. The retina is very crucial for vision. If the patient faces difficulty visually, then there is a possibility that the retina has a minor hole or tear but has not detached from its place. In this case, the patient needs to attend an ophthalmologist as early as possible. Depending on how much the retina is damaged, procedures to fix tears or breaks in the retina are achievable. The treatments to cure the retinal tear are through Laser Photocoagulation or Cryopexy.
Laser Photocoagulation is an outpatient surgical procedure used to treat retinal tears. The eye surgeon uses a laser beam to burn around the retinal tear, creating scarring that welds the retina to underlying tissue. The burns create small scars that fix the tear and help hold your retina in place.
When you get this treatment, your doctor will:
- Put numbing medicine in your eye to keep you comfortable during the treatment
- Shine the laser through the pupil of your eye to seal the tear in your retina
You may see a flashing light when your doctor uses the laser.
After this treatment, your doctor may give you special eye drops to help keep your eye from swelling. You may need to avoid some activities, like vigorous exercise or heavy lifting, while your eye heals
Cryopexy is also is known as the freezing process, is also an outpatient surgical procedure used to treat retinal tears and other retinal conditions.
When you get this treatment, your doctor will:
- Put numbing medicine in your eye to keep you comfortable during the treatment
- Touch the white part of your eye closest to the tear in your retina with a freezing probe
You may feel some cold or pressure when your doctor uses the freezing probe.
After this treatment, your doctor may give you special eye drops to help keep your eye from swelling. You may need to avoid some activities, like vigorous exercise or heavy lifting, while your eye heals.
Both methods keep fluid in the middle of the eye from passing through the retinal tear. If fluid gets under the retina, the retina can detach from the wall of the eye.