Both A-scan and B-scan of Sonomed Escalon are ultrasound for the eye. The A-scan ultrasound is a one-dimensional amplitude modulation. On the other hand, the B-scan refers to a two dimensional, cross-section brightness scan.
Both the ultrasound scanners evaluate the posterior segment and orbital pathology, especially when the patients visual gets cloudy, and the ophthalmologist has an issue with a direct view for further diagnosing. Its time-saving features such as document scan orientation, replay videos in real-time, slow motion, or frame-by-frame.
The A-scan automatically captures cataract, dense cataract, aphakic, silicone oil, and pseudophakic modes. The auto calculation of the eye consists of axial length, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, and vitreous, with axial length average and standard deviation provided for up to five scans per exam.
The B-scan easily captures both still images and video clips with a frame-by-frame review. It also provides on-screen annotation capabilities, including measurements, continuous zoom, and controlled image pan.